Archive 2014, Volume 8, Issue 3
Chernova O.T.
Pedchenko L.O., Pedchenko M.M.
The forcibly preservation of gas hydrate blocks by layer of ice
Glukhov O.O., Pedchenko M.O., Borodin D.S.
Features of seismo-acoustic methods of coal seam faults prediction
Maksymova E.O., Ovchynnikov M.P., Svietkina O.Yu.
Research kinetics of hydrate formation in the magnetic field
Sai K.S., Ganushevych K.A.
Utilization of mine methane and their transportation in gas hydrates state
Tatsakovych N.L., Karpash M.O., Karpash O.M., Voloshyn Ya.V.
Standardization as a technology transfer route in engineering
Kharchenko V.V., Dolgyi O.A.
Bulat A.F., Pimonenko L.I., Burchak O.V., Suvorov D.A.
Mechanisms for energy absorption by the coal substance at the atomic-molecular level
Bondarenko V.I., Symanovych G.A., Vivcharenko O.V., Chervatiuk V.G.
On the question of load formation on stoping complex support
Kovalevska I.A., Snigur V.G., Malykhin O.V.
Bulat A.F., Malanchuk Ye.Z., Nadutyi V.P.
Research of electrostatic field influence on rocks of basalt raw material
Dychkovskyi R.O., Falshtynskyi V.S., Lozynskyi V.G., Saik P.B.
Analytical investigations of massive stress in the zone of disjunctive fault influence
Dolzhykov P.M., Pronskyi D.V., Ryzhykova O.O.
Filtration properties of saturated disperse soils at pressure-injection consolidation
Ishchenko K.S., Konoval S.V., Kratkovskyi I.L., Krukovska V.V., Krukovskyi O.P.
Dolzhykov P.M., Ivliieva Ye.O.
Borehole technology of stabilization deformation processes in hydroactivisation underworked soil