Mining of Mineral Deposits (MMD) is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published by Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine. MMD publishes original research papers covering various aspects of mining and related topics.
       Papers must be submitted in English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of the two).
       Papers should be between 3,500 and 8,000 words.
       Initial submissions do not require strict formatting but must adhere to the IMRaD structure. Submissions should be in .doc or .docx format.
       1. Title page:
       Initials and surnames of all authors (no more than seven authors).
       Title (not exceeding 15 words).
       2. Abstract:
       The length of the abstract should be between 220-250 words, written in exclusively common terminology.
       The abstract must follow a structured format, including the following sections: Purpose, Methods, Findings, Originality, Practical implications, and Keywords.
       Abstract preparation guidelines
       Purpose. Clearly state the reason(s) for writing the paper or the aims of the research.
       Methods. Describe how the objectives were achieved. Include the main method(s) used, the approach to the topic, and the theoretical or subject scope of the research.
       Findings. Summarize what was discovered during the research. Focus on the key analysis, discussion points, or results.
       Originality. Highlight what is new and valuable in the paper. Specify the contribution and who will benefit from the findings.
       Practical implications. Outline the outcomes, applications, and consequences of the research. Discuss how these can be applied in practice or influence future work.
       Keywords. Choose 5-7 specific keywords that reflect the core of your paper. Keywords should be relevant for electronic searches and highlight the essential aspects of the research.
       The abstract must not repeat the paper’s title, and all specified points should be addressed.
       3. Main body (IMRaD format):
       Introduction. Clearly state the problem, analyze recent research and publications, identify unresolved aspects of the problem, and define the research purpose and objectives.
       Methods. Provide details on the structure, consistent research stages, and tools or methods.
       Results and Discussion. Present and discuss the research findings. If needed, divide this section into two separate subsections.
       Conclusions. Summarize the most important research findings and include perspectives on their practical application.
       Supporting sections:
       Author contributions. Specify the roles of each author using the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) for consistency.
       Funding. Clearly state the sources of funding for the research, if any. If the research received no funding, explicitly state: “This research received no external funding”.
       Acknowledgments. Recognize grants, funds (including the name, number, and type of project), or individuals and organizations that contributed to the research. If no external funding was used, this should also be stated.
       Conflicts of interests. Declare any potential conflicts of interest related to the research. If there are none, explicitly state, “The authors declare no conflicts of interest”.
       Data availability statement. Provide information about the data’s availability supporting the study’s findings. If applicable, include details about how the data can be accessed.
       References. Must comply with the APA style. There are no restrictions on the number of references, but self-citations should not exceed 15% of the total number.
       Authors are encouraged to use the design template provided for paper preparation. This ensures consistency and adherence to the journal’s formatting requirements.
       Once an article has been accepted for publication, authors will be required to complete and sign the copyright agreement for the accepted article. Due to the thorough peer-review process and publication standards, each author must also provide detailed personal and professional information, including their roles based on the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy).
       All documents should be sent via email to the Editorial Office at
       Editors of the journal reserve the right to accept or reject any article in any stage, if necessary.
      Only one paper can be submitted by a single author at any time.
      If you have already submitted a manuscript to the journal, you must wait for the final decision (Accept or Reject) before submitting a new manuscript.
       Manuscripts submitted while a decision is still pending on a previously submitted manuscript will be returned to the authors without review.
       Additionally, not more than one paper per year can be published by a single author in the journal. This restriction has been implemented by a decision of the Editorial Board to allow more authors the opportunity to publish their work in the Mining of Mineral Deposits.
       The Anti-Plagiarism Policy outlines the commitment of the Mining of Mineral Deposits journal to uphold the integrity and originality of published research. Starting in 2021, the journal has implemented iThenticate, a professional plagiarism detection tool, to screen all submitted manuscripts. iThenticate is recognized globally as a trusted plagiarism checker used by top researchers, publishers, and academic institutions.
       The software serves major publishing houses like Elsevier, Springer, Nature, Taylor & Francis, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford University Press, IEEE, and MDPI. It is also employed by prominent government granting agencies, including the National Science Foundation (USA), U.S. Department of Energy, and Swiss National Science Foundation, to verify the originality of grant proposals and scholarly manuscripts.
       This policy reflects the journal’s dedication to protecting its reputation and ensuring the publication of high-quality, original research.