Features of seismo-acoustic methods of coal seam faults prediction
Glukhov O.O1 , Pedchenko M.O1 , Borodin D.S1
1Ukrainian State Scientific-Research and Design Institute of Mining Geology, Rock Mechanics and Mine Surveying National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2014, 8(3):287-292
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      Seismic-acoustic method to evaluate type and parameters of faults in mined coal seams was developed in the Institute UkrSRSI, NAS Ukraine. The method is based on the usage of computer-aided systems that allow computing and analyzing parameters of seismic wave fields. Developed criteria to identify faultings with using seismic-acoustic method, which are based on the analysis of signal structure, changes in wave train velocity, frequency and amplitude responses and take into account epigenesis stages and structure of coal-bearing strata allow to reveal anomalies with reliability of up to 80 %.
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