Archive 2017, Volume 11, Issue 3
M. Toderas, R. Moraru
The effect of increasing the water content on rocks characteristics from Şuior, Romania
V. Biletskyi, S. Landar, Yu. Mishchuk
V. Sobolev, D. Rudakov, L. Stefanovych, K. Jach
Physical and mathematical modelling of the conditions of coal and gas outbursts
A. Zhabin, A. Polyakov, E. Averin
Scale factors for conversion OF forces on disc cutters FOR the main domestic and foreign methods
B. Sobko, C. Drebenstedt, O. Lozhnikov
Selection of environmentally safe open-pit technology for mining water-bearing deposits
O. Kulikovska, V. Sydorenko
S. Podkopaiev, I. Iordanov, D. Chepiha
Stability of the coal seam roof during the sudden collapse of lateral rocks
Ye. Koroviaka, Т. Lubenets
Substantiation of the method for constructing the diagram of the horizontal belt conveyor tightness
H. Haiko, L. Pyha