Stability of the coal seam roof during the sudden collapse of lateral rocks
S. Podkopaiev1, I. Iordanov1, D. Chepiha1
1Department of Mineral Deposits, Donetsk National Technical University, Pokrovsk, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(3):101-110
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      Purpose.To study the effect of dangerous manifestations of rock pressure (in the form of sudden lateral rock collapse) on the state of the coal seam roof developed in difficult mining and geological conditions by various methods of controlling mining pressure and protecting workings.
      Methods. Analytical studies were carried out using the basic principles of the theories of elasticity, classical mechanics, and oscillations. The roof rocks were presented in the form of a beam whose free end has different versions of support.
      Findings. As a result of the conducted studies, it was established that in the case of caving in the stratified rock strata, in order to preserve mine workings in the operational state, roof rocks should rest either on filling mass or yielding supports. This will reduce rigidity of the given system and the magnitude of the acting force during the strike of stratified rocks on the beam, due to the increase in the time interval between the application of this force and the maximum deflection of the roof rocks of the developed seam.
      Originality.To determine the stress state of the immediate roof rocks of the developed coal seam, it is necessary to take into account rigidity of the system under consideration. The rigidity value is determined not only by the static deflection of the structure (beam), but also by the yielding capacity of the support under consideration.
      Practical implications. The proposed approach to predicting stability of mine workings will contribute to the creation of safe working conditions during mining operations in complex mining and geological conditions, including sudden collapses of lateral rocks.
      Keywords: rock pressure, dynamic load, rockburst, fluctuations, rock lamination, goaf stowing
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