Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Research into the influence of technical factors on rocks deformation during reworking of ore deposits

O. Kulikovska1, V. Sydorenko1

1Geodesy Department, Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(3):76-83

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      Purpose.The aim of this work is to establish the relation of rocks deformation during reworking of ore deposits to mining and technical conditions and factors of mineral production based on the processing of surveying observations using modern software systems.

      Methods. During the mining geodesy surveying research, probabilistic statistical methods were applied with the use of a powerful computer package statistics relating to modern mathematical methods for processing experimental data and modeling of geomechanical processes. The correct application and solution of the stated research task is confirmed by the receipt of many significant pair and multiple correlation coefficients between the parameters under study during the reworking of ore deposit.

      Findings. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of surveying instrumental observations, we have determined and specified the regularities of the influence produced by technical factors on rocks deformation during reworking of ore deposits. 2-D and 3-D models developed in the research provided the possibility to obtain a visual representation of the deformation components distribution. The results of the performed regression analysis allowed to find the equations of approximations and to conclude that the studied parameters are correlated.

      OriginalityThe research allowed to establish and clarify the displacement patterns of rocks in the disturbed zone of mining at PJSC “ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih” caused by such factors as an active area of the roof outcrop, the time period from the beginning of the block development to the run-time of observation, the distance be-tween the working unit and the observed frame, the vertical distance between the levels of primary and secondary underground developments on the basis of the integrated use of possibilities provided by the modern standard package Statistica.

      Practical implications. The obtained data allow to specify the parameters of the adopted models describing rocks deformation during reworking of ore deposits, to predict their development over time and assess the risk of negative geodynamic phenomena.

      Keywords: deformation of rocks, mining and technical factors, ore deposit, the impact of mining, approximation, simulation


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