Substantiation of the method for constructing the diagram of the horizontal belt conveyor tightness
Ye. Koroviaka1, Т. Lubenets1
1Transport Systems and Technologies Department, National Mining University, Dnipro, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(3):111-116
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      Purpose.The method for constructing the diagram of the conveyor belt tightness, which satisfies the fundamental conditions of the mechanical system equilibrium and takes into account the influence of its centrifugal forces has been substantiated.
      Methods. The horizontal conveyor belt tightness was determined experimentally, which allowed to draw the corresponding diagram.
      Findings. Regularities of the conveyor belt tightness distribution in a belt conveyor are established and a method for constructing a tightness diagram taking into account the influence of its centrifugal forces is developed.
      Originality.TIt is established that in a conveyor belt: – transmission of the traction force to the conveyor belt is carried out with a constant reaction on the drive station; – the tightness of the conveyor belt in the points of contact with the drive unit changes reciprocally; – the extension of the conveyor belt does not change.
      Practical implications. The method for constructing the diagram of conveyer belt tightness helps to increase efficiency of exploitation of the conveyor transportation-technological charts at mining enterprises.
      Keywords: conveyor, conveyor belt, tightness, diagram, friction, block, equilibrium conditions, centrifugal forces
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