Shielded development of bottom gas hydrates
H. Haiko1, L. Pyha1
1Department of Geobuilding and Mining Technologies, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(3):117-123
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      Purpose.The research aims to show the system features of the existing development methods, which create significant risks of investment in the production of methane gas hydrates, as well as to disclose a new way and conceptual approach to the shielded development of methanohydrates.
      Methods. Comparative technical and economic analysis of mining methods, constructive and technological justifications.
      Findings. Reduction of risks and a significant reduction in the means of extraction can be achieved by replacing local impacts on the productive seam by forming a vast zone of simultaneous dissociation of the gas hydrate deposit and controlled withdrawal of the produced gas into the water space shielded by gas gathering shells.
      Originality.The research provides for realization of the idea suggesting simultaneous dissociation of large areas of the gas hydrate deposit, management of the targeted process of methane gas hydrates penetration into the water space and its accumulation under the extensive gas gathering shield, wherefrom it is removed by the bottom pipe transport.
      Practical implications. The proposed concept and a new method for shielded development of bottom gas hydrates substantiate technological stages and constructive elements of its implementation.
      Keywords: development of offshore fields, gas hydrates, dissociation, shielding shells, gas gathering shield, hydraulic fracturing of the reservoir, coolant, bottom gas removal
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