Modeling of the power section of downhole screw motors
V. Biletskyi1, S. Landar2, Yu. Mishchuk3
1Department of Oil, Gas and Condensate Extraction, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2LLC “Ukrnaftahasservis”, Poltava, Ukraine
3Department of Equipment of Oil and Gas Fields, Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Poltava, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(3):15-22
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      Purpose.Downhole screw motors (DSMs) are commonly used for drilling wells of various applications. The problem is to ensure reliable operation of DSM, particularly its power section “rotor – stator”. To evaluate its functioning, it is necessary to study the work of the Wenzel Downhole Tools Company downhole screw motor of 171 mm diameter under the conditions of drilling rigs during the development of Gnidyntsivsk oil field in order to select the rational design and operational parameters of DSMs, which ensure their reliable and efficient functioning.
      Methods. The SolidWorks Software Flow Simulation module has been applied to simulate the flow of liquids and gases based on the use of their typical physical models.
      Findings. The models of the fields of velocity, pressure and temperature of the drilling mud in the plane of the section of the working couple “rotor – stator”, as well as the models of the fields of pressure and temperature on the rotor surface are obtained. Graphs of changes in the studied parameters are constructed. The analysis of the models and curves obtained as a result of the research is carried out.
      Originality. The original solution of this problem by creating a mathematical model of the drilling mud movement in the power section of the downhole screw motor has been proposed, which involved obtaining parametric fields of velocity, pressure and temperature.
      Practical implications. The models are recommended for hydraulic and thermodynamic calculations of downhole screw motor.
      Keywords: downhole screw motor, power section “rotor – stator”, drilling mud, simulation, parametric fields
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