Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Ensuring the specified position of multisupport rotating units when dressing mineral resources

A. Dzyubyk1, A. Sudakov2, L. Dzyubyk1, D. Sudakova2

1Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(4):91-98

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      Purpose. The solution of the problem for determining a specified vertical displacement of supports in a rotating unit, taking into account the yielding in the crosscut of the supporting node, as well as the peculiarities of the structural design.

      Methods. When performing the work, the approaches based on the elasticity theory principles are used, taking into account the variable transverse crosscut of the unit and the different high-altitude positions of supports. To determine the general expressions describing the axis position of the studied multisupport structure, the Cauchy’ function method was used.

      Findings. A system of solvable algebraic equations has been obtained that enables to perform calculations for a beam-type cylindrical structure on rigid and elastic supports. The expressions are presented for determining the value of vertical displacement of the supports, taking into account the operational characteristics of a unit, in particular the presence of the influence of neighboring supports and the value of existing loads. The cases have been studied of implementing the adjusting displacements, using the obtained equation system with the complete unloading of the supporting nodes, as well as with the use of the technical diagnostics data – the determined values of the total displacements of the supports. Expressions have been obtained for calculating the desired adjustment parameters. An algorithm is proposed for performing the computing operations.

      Originality.The method of adjustment of the specified position of supports in a rotating unit has been further deve-loped, which is carried out through determining the elastic components, rigid displacements, complete displacement in the supporting node, as well as the results of technical diagnostics.

      Practical implications. The calculations have been made taking into account the yielding of the supports in the range of maximum and minimum values. It is shown that the value of certain supports displacement, which should be taken into account as a result of their yielding, can reach the extremum standard values. The presence of previous displacements of the supports predetermines a significant acting forces redistribution in the rotating furnace body and is determined by their direction. The value of adjusting displacements has been determined, which should be performed to obtain a rectilinear axis of rotation. It has been revealed that it is appropriate to implement a parallel displacement of the projected axis of rotation for reducing the adjustment parameters in the supporting nodes.

      Keywords: rotating units, beam-type structures, supports adjustment, elastic deformations of supports, multisupport units, axis of rotation


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