Integration of stability factors A, B and C on the Mathews Stability Graph into a mining-level optimization algorithm
Danu Putra1, Tri Karian1, Budi Sulistianto2, Mohamad Nur Heriawan1
1Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
2Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Min. miner. depos. 2024, 18(3):42-51
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      Purpose. This study aims to enhance the optimization approach by integrating stability analysis using Mathews Stability Graph into stope mining-level optimization algorithm.
      Methods. The programming language is employed to integrate the Mathews Stability Graph into the stope mining-level optimization algorithm at the preliminary optimization stage, providing dimensional constraints based on rock conditions. Algorithm validation is conducted using three scenarios reflecting rock conditions in the block model: fixed stope dimensions with a maxi-mum stope size, fixed stope dimensions with a minimum stope size, and variable stope dimensions based on the proposed algorithm. Additionally, to validate the stability of the stope in the optimization algorithm, the stability of each stope wall is confirmed by back plotting on a stability graph.
      Findings. The algorithm manages to create a stope design that complies both with geotechnical and economic aspects, based on the data provided in the synthetic block model.
      Originality. Optimal stope design is often determined by the stope’s economic parameter, whereas geotechnical variables, easily available in the block model, are neglected. The proposed algorithm aims to include stability analysis using the Mathews Stability Graph into the stope mining-level optimization algorithm.
      Practical implications. The method was successfully tested using data from a block model simulating the conditions of a real ore body in Indonesia. In addition, the method may be used by mine planners during the early stage of feasibility assessment.
      Keywords: stope optimization, Mathews Stability Graph, stope stability, stope layout, algorithm
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