Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

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Survey of the world practice of implementing energy-efficient technologies in terms of mining enterprises

L. Goncharenko1, A. Ryzhakova1, N. Sedova1, I. Efimov1, F. Akulinin1

1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(4):63-71

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      Purpose is the analysis of world practice of applying the best available techniques to increase energy saving and energy efficiency of mining enterprises being the important factor of the economic development.

      Methods. The research methodology is based on the scientific approaches: historical-evolutionary, interdisciplinary, integration, process, and situational. Methods of retrospective, categorical, and system analysis as well as modeling have been applied. The analysis was performed on the basis of both initial information sources (original texts of legislative documents, strategies) and material of the international analytical organizations (International Energy Agency, World Bank) as well as the data of official statistical records.

      Findings. For the first time, different variants of the best available techniques in Japan, the USA, and the EU have been analyzed as well as the role of a state in applying institutional measures of energy efficiency support, including mining complex, and prospects of its use in the Russian Federation. It has been determined that energy efficiency is the effective and economically feasible tool in reaching sustainable development of the national economy. It has been demonstrated that energy saving and increased energy efficiency may reduce the needs in investment, raise industrial competitiveness and consumer welfare as well as improve environmental protection owing to the reduced greenhouse gas emissions and decreased air pollution. Energy efficiency growth has direct effect upon the industrial competitiveness; it can be achieved by means of innovations.

      Originality.Emphasis has been put on the key scientific and technical aspects and approaches stimulating increased energy efficiency in the developed countries under the effect of strong, coordinated, and consistent national policy in different sectors of economy.

      Practical implications. The carried-out analysis is useful in terms of the innovative and technological development of different industries of the Russian Federation in the context of its complicated cooperation with European countries and the USA, dependence on foreign technologies, and limited access to them.

      Keywords: energy efficiency, best available techniques, energy security, strategy, innovations, mining enterprises


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