Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Phenomena of stability of the coal seam roof with a yielding support

S. Podkopaiev1, V. Gogo2, I. Yefremov1, O. Kipko1, I. Iordanov3, Yu. Simonova1

1Donetsk National Technical University, Pokrovsk, Ukraine

2Industrial Institute of Donetsk National Technical University, Pokrovsk, Ukraine

3LLC “TETZ-INVEST”, Kostiantynivka, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(4):28-41

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      Purpose. Determining the conditions and parameters for ensuring the stability of the coal seam roof with a yielding support in the area adjacent to face and behind it under the influence of dynamic loads based on the analytical and laboratory studies.

      Methods. To achieve the purpose set, analytical studies have been carried out using the basic principles of the theory of elasticity and vibrations, the hypothesis of girders and the hinged-block displacement of the stratified rock stratum. Also, the laboratory studies of models from equivalent materials have been performed, in which the coal seam roof is presented in the form of a girder having a yielding support with variable rigidity from the filling material under dynamic load.

      Findings. As a result of performed studies, the phenomenon has been determined that the condition for the stability of the coal seam roof is a geometric parameter that reflects moving of the girder with a yielding support, under the force impact of a falling load with a known mass and the physical-geometrical characteristics of the deformable system. It has been determined that as a result of a change in the spans length, a change in the flexural rigidity of the girder occurs, which means that the yield influence of the same supports on the stability of the coal seam roof is different. The values have been set and the relationship has been studied of the physical-mechanical characteristics of the filling mass as a yielding support.

      Originality.It has been proven scientifically that the stress-strain state (SSS) of a system in which the coal seam roof is studied as a girder depends on the physical-geometrical characteristics of the system, as well as the type and place of applying the external load, in case when the law of the girder movement in time is determined.

      Practical implications. The effective supporting of the undermined rock stratum in the working part of the longwall face and behind the face is achieved by placing the yielding supports in the mined-out space or by using the backfill in the mined-out space while conducting the stope operations, thus, increasing the efficiency of measures to protect the labour of miners in coal mines.

      Keywords: roof stability, coal seam, stope face, phenomenon, stress-strain state, theory of elasticity and vibrations, modelling on equivalent materials


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