Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

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Analysis of operation parameters of partial backfilling in the context of selective coal mining

V. Sotskov1, N. Dereviahina1, L. Malanchuk2

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2National University of Water Management and Environmental Management, Rivne, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(4):129-138

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      Purpose is to determine factors of effect of mechanical parameters and geometry of packs, constructed using the undercut rocks in the process of selective coal mining, on the state of geomechanical system within a mine working-stope junction during a computational experiment.

      Methods. The computational experiments involved finite-element method to simulate three-dimensional analytical area of the geomechanical system. Rock mass was represented by twelve rock layers and a coal seam. In the process of the computations, neighboring rock layers displace freely relative to each other. Stresses and deformations have been calculated within a full-size 300×160×50 m block involving undisturbed rock mass, a stope and two development workings. Mechanical characteristics of packs were simulated using additional analytical calculations.

      Findings. The calculations of a geomechanical system of a mine working-stope junction have helped determine typical areas of the disturbed rock mass identifying a propagation mechanism of the stope roof fall taking into consideration the effect of backfilling parameters. Analysis of stress-strain state (SSS) of the geomechanical system within the stope roof, using the selected cross-sections, made it possible to define conditions of interaction of the rock layers resulting in the roof lowering on the packs.

      Originality.The identified regularities of interaction between a stope roof and backfilling components determine optimum conditions to control a stope roof during selective coal mining. It has been substantiated scientifically that consideration of longitudinal horizontal stresses to identify optimum backfilling parameters makes it possible to define unambiguously both a type, and geometry of protection schemes for the mined-out area of a stope in terms of different strength parameters and geometrical parameters of the disturbed rock mass.

      Practical implications. The results have helped determine a mechanism of a stope advance velocity as well as a type and geometry of the packs being constructed. The abovementioned makes it possible to minimize expenditures for internal logistics; to cheapen prime cost of mining; and to improve safety of stope miners.

      Keywords: rock mass, stope, stress-strain state, support section, partial backfilling, pack


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