Three-dimensional electromagnetic field model of an auger electromechanical converter with an external solid rotor
M. Zablodskiy1, V. Gritsyuk2, Ye. Rudnev2, R. Brozhko2
1National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Sieverodonetsk, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(4):99-106
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      Purpose. Creating a three-dimensional mathematical model of the electromagnetic field of an auger electromechanical converter with the external solid rotor, taking into account the geometry peculiarities and the finite length factor.
      Methods. Calculation of the electromagnetic field distribution has been performed with the use of the computational solving the differential equations by the finite element method in a three-dimensional statement.
      Findings. It has been set that in the air gap the values of magnetic induction vary in the range of 0.7 – 0.8 T, in the flanks of the stator teeth they reach the value of 2 T. Induction in a hollow ferromagnetic rotor varies mainly in the range of 1.3 – 2.0 T, and in a thin layer with a thickness of 1.0 – 1.5 mm, facing the stator surface, it reaches the value of 2.3 T. Within one pole pitch, the z-component maximum of the eddy currents density is 18·106 A/m2 on the inner hollow rotor surface. It has been determined that, with the exception of the ‘edge’ rotor sections, where the transverse component of eddy currents prevails, as well as the sections of the magnetic flux “input” into the rotor, the eddy currents are mainly axial. A comparison of the results of measuring the electric field intensity on the rotor surface evidences a data difference of not more than 4%. The proposed model enables to optimize the design of the converter, in particular, to reduce the magnetic induction in the stator teeth.
      Originality.Numerical results have been obtained in the form of spatial patterns of distribution and graphical dependences that take into complete account the axial and tangential components of the electromagnetic field.
      Practical implications. The considered finite element model can be used when analysing the electromagnetic fields in electromechanical converters with a complex secondary part. This will give a possibility to consider the real three-dimensional field character, caused by the design peculiarities and the final axial dimensions.
      Keywords: coal concentrate, auger electromechanical converter, computational studies, magnetic induction, eddy currents distribution
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