Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Assessment of the using a mobile crushing and sorting plant investment attractiveness at the development of construction material quarries

Borys Sobko1, Oleksii Lozhnikov1, Vitalii Kriachek1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2024, 18(4):34-44

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      Purpose. To establish the influence of the quarry depth at the construction materials deposit mining on the payback period of investments when using the haulage mining system (HMS), cyclic flow technology (CFT), and mobile crushing and sorting plant (MCSP) with a comparison of its efficiency.

      Methods. The research used discounted value of cash flow methods to determine the company’s net present value (NPV) and the investment payback period. When establishing a mining enterprise’s technical and economic performance indicators, the present value factor of future costs and profits was considered.

      Findings. According to the total discounted cash flow value indicator, the technological scheme using a mobile crushing and sorting plant is the most attractive in the quarry depth range of 50-150 m. According to this indicator, it was established that it is better in comparison with the schemes of the haulage mining system and cyclic flow technology, respectively, by 19 and 26% at a quarry depth of 50 m. When the quarry depth increases from 100 to 150 m, the efficiency of the MCSP scheme in terms of the indicator of total cash flow will be 5.2 and 5.8 times exceeding the indicators of the CFT and HMS schemes, respectively.

      Originality. The impact of the quarry depth mining on the indicators of the cash flow discounted value, the net income of the enterprise NPV, and the payback period of the investment was determined, which allowed to determine the most effective technological scheme at the given quarry productivity of 1.6 million m3/year. It was determined that using a scheme with a mobile crushing and sorting plant compared to other schemes in the cash flow total cost indicator is more effective by 17-28% at a quarry development depth of 50 m. At the same time, at a quarry depth of 150 m, the effectiveness of the technological scheme of MCSP by the enterprise total profit indicator increases significantly to 2.0 and 3.5 times superior to the CFT and HMS schemes, respectively.

      Practical implications. The conducted research is essential when choosing technological schemes for exploiting construction raw materials quarries when their development depth increases. This result is especially relevant for mining companies that produce crushed stone, where mobile crushing and sorting plants can significantly improve economic efficiency.

      Keywords: quarry, construction material deposits, cyclic flow technology, mobile crusher, investment payback period


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