Optimization solution substantiation for resource-saving maintenance of workings
Vasyl Snihur1, Volodymyr Bondarenko2, Iryna Kovalevska2, Oleksandr Husiev3, Iryna Shaikhlislamova2
1MM “Heroiv Kosmosu”, PJSC “DTEK Pavlohradvuhillia”, Pavlohrad, Ukraine
2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
3MM “Dniprovske”, PJSC “DTEK Pavlohradvuhillia”, Pavlohrad, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2022, 16(1):9-18
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      Purpose. Substantiate the expediency of optimizing decision-making in resource-saving maintenance of mine workings.
      Methods. The concept of ensuring the conditions for the repeated use of mine working is based on modern methods of managing the rock pressure manifestations, conducting multifactorial computational experiments, experimental verification of the principles’ implementation during effective use of resources in full-scale conditions.
      Findings. The directions of improving the fastening and protection structures, which ensure the stability of reused mine workings, have been determined. In this case, the most lightweight protection structure is proposed, the functions of which are transferred to the collapsed and compacted rocks of the uncontrolled collapse zone.
      Originality. The basic concept of repeated use of mine workings, taking into account resource-saving technologies, has been formulated and implemented. The stress-strain state of the “mass – support – protection elements” system has been studied, and its rational parameters have been optimized. An example of an optimization solution based on the stated methodology is presented.
      Practical implications. The schemes have been developed for calculating the parameters of loading the fastening and protection structures in reused mine workings with a geomechanical substantiation of the adopted provisions and assumptions, which is the basis for issuing recommendations to ensure the mine working stability.
      Keywords: rock mass, reused mine working, efficient use of resources, fastening system, protection elements
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