Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Increasing hydrocarbon recovery of Hadiach field by means of CO2 injection as a part of the decarbonization process of the energy sector in Ukraine

Serhii Matkivskyi1

1JSC “Ukrgazvydobuvannia”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2022, 16(1):114-120

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      Purpose is studying the efficiency of a carbon dioxide injection technology to control a water flooding process of the reservoir of the horizon V-16 of Hadiach oil and gas condensate field and displace the residual gas reserves trapped by the formation water involving numerical modelling.

      Methods. A technology of carbon dioxide injection into the reservoir of the horizon V-16 of Hadiach oil and gas condensate field was tested in terms of numerical reservoir model with the use of basic modelling instruments.

      Findings. The modelling results makes it possible to calculate the main technological indices of the development of the reservoir of the horizon V-16 of Hadiach oil and gas condensate field in terms of carbon dioxide injection and while developing for depletion. According to the results of the performed calculations, it is identified that there is considerable influence of the number of injection wells on the efficiency of the analyzed technology as for control of a water flooding process in the productive formation. It should be noted that while increasing the number of injection wells, more complete coverage of the gas-bearing area with carbon dioxide is provided; owing to that, the efficiency of blocking the formation water inflow into the production wells turns to be much higher. The implementation of the technology under study makes it possible to increase the final hydrocarbon recovery factors. In case of using wells ## 52, 101, 201, 202 for carbon dioxide injection, the highest final hydrocarbon recovery factors are provided. The predictive gas recovery factor grows by 2.95% and the condensate recovery factor increases by 1.24% comparing to the field development for depletion.

      Originality. Basing on the research results, technological efficiency of the implementation of a carbon dioxide injection technology in terms of the reservoir of the horizon V-16of Hadiach oil and gas condensate field is determined; that is aimed at increasing the hydrocarbon recovery within the field by controlling a water flooding process in the productive formations and production wells.

      Practical implications. Application of the research results helps improve the current system of the development of productive formations of Hadiach oil and gas condensate field in terms of water drive. Implementation of such technologies stipulates the increase in final hydrocarbon recovery of the depleted fields and allows developing optimal ways of utilization of technogenic carbon dioxide in terms of the whole decarbonization process of the energy sector in Ukraine.

      Keywords: 3D model, hydrocarbon field, gas condensate reservoir, water drive, carbon dioxide injection


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