Potential for increasing the efficiency of design processes for mining the solid mineral deposits based on digitalization and advanced analytics
Yerzhan Uteshov1, Daniyar Galiyev1, Seitgali Galiyev2, Kanay Rysbekov1, Dilda Nаuryzbayeva1
1Satbayev University, Almaty, 50013, Kazakhstan
2Institute of Mining named after D.A. Kunaev, Almaty, 50046, Kazakhstan
Min. miner. depos. 2021, 15(2):102-110
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      Purpose. The research purpose is to develop and adapt the existing scientific-methodological, as well as software and information base for managing the geotechnological complexes to implement the process approach at the level of design and operation of mining-and-transport complexes during opencast mining. The development is associated with the coverage of more and more relevant options for excavating-conveying, as well as excavating-automobile-conveying mining-and-transport systems used in quarries.
      Methods. The methodology for managing the geotechnological complexes involves an adequate step-by-step accounting and appropriate operational regulation of all the main factors in specific mining-engineering, mining-geometrical, mining-and-geological, economic and organizational conditions. The method of simulation logical-statistical modelling of mining-and-transport processes is used as the main method.
      Findings. The results indicate that simplified analytical approaches and inadequately considered factors that have a significant impact on the efficiency of mining operations lead to significant errors (10-20% or more) that determine the real practical profitability of the mineral deposits development.
      Originality. Scientific novelty is an integrated approach to a single research object, which is a geotechnological complex, a unique simulation logical-statistical modelling of mining-and-transport processes, the economics of process management, as well as integrated and corporate process management.
      Practical implications. The obtained results of an integrated technical and technological audit of a project for mining the coal deposit, with sufficient accuracy for practical application, will ensure the methodological base development for the designing, planning and management of mining and mining-transport operations, as well as an increase in the efficiency of scientific and scientific-practical research in this direction when solving the practical tasks of mining sector.
      Keywords: mineral deposits, simulation modelling, geotechnological complex, process, management
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