Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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On the possibilities to apply indices of industrial coal-rank classification to determine hazardous characteristics of workable beds

Mykola Antoshchenko1, Vadym Tarasov1, Oleksandr Nedbailo2, Olha Zakharova1, Rudniev Yevhen1

1Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk, 93401, Ukraine

2Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 3164, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2021, 15(2):1-8

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      Purpose is to identify behaviour of the graded indices as well as their correspondence to grades, groups, and subgroups of similar coal metamorphic degrees to determine hazardous characteristics of workable beds while mining.

      Methods. Rank scale and changes in the graded index values help define the coal grades, groups, and subgroups having comparable characteristics as well as ultimate composition of organic mass. Coal ranking involves the intensified metamorphism manifestation in the process of transition from lignite to black coal, and then to anthracite.

      Findings. Analysis of the total of the fusainized components has shown that coal grading is within less than 10 and more than 69% range. However, in the majority of cases its values are recommended as those being less than 39 or more than 40% which prevents from determination of reliable correlation relationships. Free heaving ratio is considered together with the plastic layer thickness making it possible to determine quantitively only LF, LS, LC, and L grades. In terms of vitrinite response index, being 0.8-1.4%, LS, LC, and L grades may be considered as coal in the central ranking series. The fact supports available changes in the internal structure.

      Originality. Behaviour of the graded indices of industrial coal-rank classification has been determined to identify hazardous characteristics of workable beds while mining.

      Practical implications are the possibilities to improve the regulatory system for safe mining of workable beds while determining differences in characteristics of vitrinite coal and fusainized coal.

      Keywords: metamorphism, spontaneous ignition, ultimate composition, coal


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