Review of machine learning and deep learning application in mine microseismic event classification
Wang Jinqiang1, Prabhat Basnet1, Shakil Mahtab2
1School of Civil and Resource Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 10083, China
2Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, China
Min. miner. depos. 2021, 15(1):19-26
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      Purpose. To put forward the concept of machine learning and deep learning approach in Mining Engineering in order to get high accuracy in separating mine microseismic (MS) event from non-useful events such as noise events blasting events and others.
      Methods. Traditionally applied methods are described and their low impact on classifying MS events is discussed. General historical description of machine learning and deep learning methods is shortly elaborated and different approaches conducted using these methods for classifying MS events are analysed.
      Findings. Acquired MS data from rock fracturing process recorded by sensors are inaccurate due to complex mining environment. They always need preprocessing in order to classify actual seismic events. Traditional detecting and classifying methods do not always yield precise results, which is especially disappointing when different events have a similar nature. The breakthrough of machine learning and deep learning methods made it possible to classify various MS events with higher precision compared to the traditional one. This paper introduces a state-of-the-art review of the application of machine learning and deep learning in identifying mine MS events.
      Originality.Previously adopted methods are discussed in short, and a brief historical outline of Machine learning and deep learning development is presented. The recent advancement in discriminating MS events from other events is discussed in the context of these mechanisms, and finally conclusions and suggestions related to the relevant field are drawn.
      Practical implications. By means of machin learning and deep learning technology mine microseismic events can be identified accurately which allows to determine the source location so as to prevent rock burst.
      Keywords: rock burst, MS event, blasting event, noise event, machine learning, deep learning
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