Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Determining local wetness conditions within the mined lands using GIS

Oleh Skrypnyk1, Arkadii Shapar1, Oleh Taranenko1

1Institute for Nature Management Problems and Ecology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, 49000, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2020, 14(4):53-58

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      Purpose. To provide methodologically determining local wetness conditions within Kryvbas mined lands taking into consideration the surface structure and using geoinformation technologies. Surface structure is the determinative factor effecting local changes in the soil humidification.

      Methods. The proposed simplified model of local wetness relies upon correction of potential evaporation value with the allowance for topography as well as consideration of precipitation only as a dampness source. Use of spatial analysis methods in terms of geoinformation systems (GIS) will help identify changes in the surface structure of the mined lands and adequate correction of potential evaporation values.

      Findings. Linear dependence between the ratios of potential evaporation within the northern and southern slopes, varying in steepness, to potential evaporation from a horizontal surface (according to the data by E.N. Romanova) and the geometrization slope index for steppe Ukrainian zone has been identified. Moreover, the simplified model of local wetness has helped perform 0.54-1.65 times specification of regional humidity coefficient within the northeast part of technogenic landscape protected area Vizyrka.

      Originality.Consideration of structural surface complexity, stipulated by steepness of the slopes and their direction, provides correction of potential evaporation values as well as adequate quantitative determination of local wetness conditions within the mined lands using GIS. It has been defined that the geometrization slope index needs extra correction in terms of the determined potential evaporation values from the slopes having different directions and inclinations.

      Practical implications. The proposed approach makes it possible to zone a mine-take territory in terms of potential local surface damping in GIS environment which provides the substantiated selection of prospecting site to introduce plants within the disturbed lands.

      Keywords: local wetness, geometrization slope index, mined lands, slope steepness, slope direction, GIS


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