Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Dynamic analysis of well equipment to produce oil

Volodymyr Grudz1, Yaroslav Grudz1, Volodymyr Bevz1, Mykhailo Chernetsky1

1Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2020, 14(4):82-89

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      Purpose is to study dynamics of a technological cycle of well oil production equipment to evaluate the forces acting on its structural components while operating. It is required to improve their reliability and durability owing to the decreased inertia.

      Methods. Mathematical modeling of the system relies upon the basic law of motion dynamics of a complex system with the attached mass involving deformation of the components and further implementation of the mathematical model using me-thods of mathematical analysis. To improve informativeness and reliability of the results, obtained in the process of mathematical modeling, it is proposed to divide the technological cycle into separate stages each of which characterizes a certain motion process as well as changes in the nature of forces influencing the system elements.

      Findings. Analysis of results of mathematical modeling of the system operating cycle makes it possible to draw conclusions about the process time as well as about the motion nature of a landing top during operation and a value of inertia acting on the well-drilling equipment demonstrating the ways to decrease them while providing reliability and durability of the facilities. Components of a hydraulic drive have been studied thoroughly while dividing its operation into eight phases of motion cycles. It has been identified that decrease in the inertia influence on the system components results from the following: power hydraulic cylinders are manufactured with the step-up diameter increase in their upper half; hollow rods in their lower half are equipped with а discharge valve dumping a certain share of liquid into a reservoir to decrease the traverser raise velocity.

      Originality. Mathematical modeling has helped identify that drastic decrease in the system inertia depends upon its structural and kinematic characteristics; moreover, it may vary broadly.

      Practical implications. During the practical operation of well-drilling equipment for oil production, decrease in inertia effect on the system components will help improve its reliability and durability.

      Keywords: drilling equipment, oil production, dynamics, force field, inertia, operating cycle, phase, reliability


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