Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Effect of heat shock on graphitization of Donbass anthracite

Artem Sybir1, Mykhailo Hubynskyi2, Serhii Fedorov1, Semen Hubynskyi2, Tetiana Vvedenska3, Volodymyr Bezuglyi1

1National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine

2Thermal and Material Engineering Center Ltd, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine

3Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2020, 14(3):43-49

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      Purpose. The aim is to conduct experimental research into graphitization process of anthracites from the Donbass basin using shock heating, which is characteristic of furnaces with electrothermal fluidized bed.

      Methods. Graphitization was carried out in an electrothermal furnace at the heating rate of 1000 K/min and exposure time of 10 minutes. The temperature range of the studies was 1973-2873 K. The structure of the material was studied by X-ray diffraction and the electrical conductivity of the coal particles layer was determined using a CamScan 4DV scanning electron microscope with Link760 attachment. The changes in ash and sulfur content were determined.

      Findings. It was found that with an increase in the processing temperature, the interlayer distance d002 decreased from 0.350 to 0.341 nm, the ash content decreased from 3.46 to 0.4%, and the relative electrical conductivity increased by 4 times. The absolute value of anthracite graphitization degree significantly differed from the values characteristic of artificial graphite. This may be due to insufficient exposure at the studied temperatures, as well as the production of a porous, insufficiently densified coal structure during high-speed heating to 1573 K.

      Originality.The principal possibility of obtaining graphitized anthracite using shock heating in furnaces with electrothermal fluidized bed and the possibility of assessing anthracite graphitization degree by the value of the relative conductivity of coal particles layer are shown.

      Practical implications. The practical implementation of the new technology is possible after determining the optimal parameters for graphitization of anthracites, which provide a deep structural adjustment characteristic of artificial graphites. First of all, this concerns the preliminary heating of anthracite to the temperature of 1273-1373 K, as well as choosing the temperature and exposure during graphitization. Determination of these parameters will allow to evaluate the technical and economic indicators of the new technology and to adjust the design parameters of furnaces with electrothermal fluidized bed.

      Keywords: graphitization, anthracite, shock heating, electrothermal fluidized bed, X-ray analysis, electrical conductivity


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