Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Substantiation of the intensified dump reclamation in the process of field development

Tursun Kalybekov1, Kanay Rysbekov1, Мanarbek Sandibekov1, Yin Li Bi2, Ayan Toktarov1

1Satbayev University, Almaty, 50013, Kazakhstan

2China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing, 100083, China

Min. miner. depos. 2020, 14(2):59-65

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      Purpose is to substantiate intensification of dozer dump reclamation in the process of open pit-mining.

      Methods. Analysis of methods intended to intensify reclamation activities in the context of open-pit mineral extraction under different mining and geological conditions has been applied. Innovative operation schedule of dump reclamation has been developed on the basis of critical analysis and proper analytical research.

      Findings. Operation schedule to form a dozer dump has been substantiated taking into consideration rock suitability for reclamation making it possible to mitigate impact of mining on the environment. Algorithm to calculate dozer dump parameters has been developed as well as a digital topographic model of selective dump formation.

      Originality.The developed operation schedule for selective formation of the external dump differs from the available one in the simultaneous layer dumping to intensify surface of its dumped share in the process of open-pit mining.

      Practical implications.Use of the method of selective surface formation in terms of a dozer dump, taking into consideration overburden suitability for reclamation, helps intensify reclamation of the soils disturbed during field development.

      Keywords: soil disturbance, overburden, open-pit mining, reclamation, dump, rock


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