Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Improving rock classification in terms of explosivity

S. Vokhmin1, Yu. Trebush1, G. Kurchin1, A. Kirsanov1, E. Zaitseva1, M. Lobatsevich2

1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

2Joint Stock Company “Polyus Krasnoyarsk”, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(3):12-21

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      Purpose. To improve rock classification in terms of explosivity relying upon the detailed analysis of characteristics of rating classifications available in the Russian Federation and in the world.

      Methods. Complex approach has been applied involving comparison of sizes of particle-size fractions determined in terms of both national and the world standards; information gathering and processing as for the available classifications intended to identify difficulties of rock explosivity; compilation of comparative systematic of classifications or methods being considered.

      Findings. Both national and the world rock classifications in terms of explosivity have been considered. While comparing national classifications as for the difficulties of rock mass failure (i.e. explosivity), a comparative table has been compiled where the most popular rock classifications are compared. Analysis of the world practices, concerning compilation of rock classifications in terms of explosivity, has shown that their approaches differ from Russian ones slightly. In the first instance, they are empiric dependences being calculated for each rock mass type separately in any single case. It has been determined that geomechanical classification of D. Lobshir (MRMR) is the most popular and rating world system to evaluate rock explosivity. It has been demonstrated that while compiling such classifications, foreign scientific writers put an emphasis on physical and mechanical indices of rocks (i.e. density, fissility, compression strength, tensile strength etc.) as well as on mine engineering ones (i.e. line of the least resistance, well diameter and depth, stope height etc.) which determines essential reliability of calculation of drilling-and-blasting parameters.

      Originality.The research is the first stage of the development of the unified transition classification from Russian explosivity scales to the comparable world methodic practices as for rock mass explosivity.

      Practical implications. To perform rapid transition from one explosivity classification to the other. The findings are recommended to be used while projecting drilling and blasting operations in the context of any types of minerals and in the context of academic activity.

      Keywords: rock explosivity, classification, rating, explosion, granulometric size composition, explosives


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