Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Optimization of position of the cyclical-and-continuous method complexes when cleaning-up the deep iron ore quarries

S. Kuzmenko1, Ye. Kaluzhnyi1, S. Moldabayev2, O. Shustov3, A. Adamchuk3, A. Toktarov2

1Joint Stock Company “Sokolov-Sarbais Mining-Processing Unity”, Rudny, Kazakhstan

2Satbaev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

3Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(3):104-112

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      Purpose. An algorithm development for calculating the optimum depth for cyclical-and-continuous method schemes introduction when cleaning-up the deep iron ore quarries.

      Methods. When developing an algorithm for calculating the optimum depth for cyclical-and-continuous method schemes introduction under the conditions of the Kacharsky mine, abstraction and analytical techniques were used to distinguish the parameters that most significantly influence on the depth value of the cyclical-and-continuous method schemes introduction. The developed algorithm has been applied when constructing a mathematical model based on mining-engineering parameters for cleaning-up the Kacharsky Iron Ore Mine.

      Findings. An algorithm is presented for calculating the optimum depth to put into operation the railway transport and a conveyor hoister in the cyclical-and-continuous method schemes, taking into account the mining-engineering and economic parameters for cleaning-up the deep quarries in surface mining. It has been substantiated that the transition from a combined automobile-railway to a combined automobile-conveyor-railway mode of transport is economically viable and will expand the limits of the effective use of surface mining of iron ore deposits. It is recommended to restrict the depth of commissioning the railway transport to 149 m, and the conveyor hoister – to 344 m into the cyclical-and-continuous method schemes using automobile-conveyor and automobile-railway modes of transport.

      Originality. Based on the constructed mathematical model, the dependences have been obtained of the prime costs for transporting the total volume of rocks mined on the depth of the cyclical-and-continuous method schemes introduction under the conditions of the Kacharsky Iron Ore Mine.

      Practical implications. For the conditions of cleaning-up the Kacharsky Iron Ore Mine, the optimum parameters have been set for the mining-transport scheme of the cyclical-and-continuous method, which ensure the minimum prime costs of the rock mass transportation.

      Keywords: cyclical-and-continuous method, automobile transport, conveyor hoister, railway transport, mathematical model, calculation algorithm


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