Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Statutory and regulatory requirements in the process of mineral mining in Ukraine. Review and analysis

R. Kirin1

1National University “Odessa Academy of Law”, Odessa, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(2):59-65

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      Purpose. Compliance of statutory and regulatory requirements as for mineral mining, made while subsurface using, mines inspectorating, bringing to responsibility, and creating prerequisites for providing legal guarantees of those who mine the deposits, have been studied.

      Methods. The studies are to make sequential comparative analysis of the current statutory and regulatory requirements, determined by the Subsurface Code of Ukraine, and Mining Law of Ukraine concerning mineral mining and identifying a level of their system harmony.

      Findings. It has been determined that a complex of the basic requirements for mining of the deposits is formed within corresponding system of subjects of subsoil use at each component of use – inspection – responsibility chain; it is obvious thing that their correspondence has a potential for harmony. New levels of differentiation of the requirements for deposit mining have been determined. It has been mentioned that the requirements for mining involve not only subsoil as a general object; they also concern such objects of the next level as deposits, mine takes, reserves of the minerals, useful components, overburden rocks, mining waste etc.

      Originalityis to substantiate the available disbalance between statutory and regulatory requirements made for deposit miners, orders by mining and subsoil laws; it is proposed to classify the requirements according to their subject-object composition as well as to time (stage) of subsoil use.

      Practical implications is in the possibility to use the results in the process of lawmaking activities and law-enforcement activities, for studies, connected with further development of a mine law theory, for teaching chapters belonging to legal responsibility in mining, and practices of law enforcement officers and mining enterprises.

      Keywords: deposit mining, statutory and regulatory requirements, subsoil use, mines inspectorate, legal responsibility


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