Resonance in rock mass as the key reason of geodynamic phenomena
А. Riazantsev1, M. Riazantsev1, O. Nosach1
1Industrial Institute of the Donetsk National Technical University, Pokrovsk, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(2):46-58
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      Purpose is to develop deformation criterion or predecessors of geodynamic phenomena within rock mass relying upon the systemized experimental data concerning rock behaviour in a volumetric field of compressive stress.
      Methods. Experiments as for rock deformation and failure in a volumetric stress state were carried out with the help of a device of non-uniform volumetric compression. The device was designed by Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering (DonIPhE) of the NAS of Ukraine. Volumetric deformations and share deformations, elastic parameters, parameters of a type of deformation state and stress state of Lode Nadai, and Lode angles were determined separately for each load grade taking into consideration corresponding increase in deformations. Sudden arching and its characteristic features were observed in longwall 2 of inclined drift of l1 seam in Kapitalna mine.
      Findings. It has been demonstrated that rock are classic auxetics in which elastic factors change their values and signs. It has been determined that the characteristic deformations, in terms of which elastic characteristics change their values, are quantized and constant for each material. Four characteristic stages, inherent to all rocks despite their stress state type and comprehensive pressure value, have been singled out during deformation. It has been defined that jump of amplitude of linear and shear deformations, resulting from double vortex and wave resonance in terms of velocity, dimensions of structures and frequency (stage 3), is a failure predecessor. Increase in minimum relative deformations (i.e. oscillations of a working face of a seam) and in maximum relative deformations (i.e. oscillations of roof or walls of a mine working) up to several percent have been proposed as the failure criterion.
      Originality.It has been determined for the first time that in the context of volumetric stress state, deformation increase is of alternative nature; elastic characteristics of rocks are not constants of a material varying in terms of a value and a sign during mechanical loading and shear deformations are of rotational nature.
      Practical implications. Resonance increase in the amplitude of maximum, minimum, and shear deformation growth is a criterion of total failure and dynamic failure in particular which can be used in practice as a predecessor of a failure or its prognostic criterion.
      Keywords: geodynamic phenomena, elastic characteristics, deformation growth, resonance, failure
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