Energy-saving intensification of gas-condensate field production in the east of Ukraine using foaming reagents
O. Shendrik1, M. Fyk2, V. Biletskyi2, S. Kryvulia1, D. Donskyi2, A. Alajmeen2, A. Pokhylko2
1Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gases, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(2):82-90
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      Purpose. Development of recommendations on the use of foaming surfactants (FSs) in the overall task of increasing energy and resource conservation of wells at the final stages of the development of gas condensate fields (GCFs).
      Methods. To achieve the goal and solve the set tasks, following methods were used: active experiment method, regression and correlation analyzes of the obtained statistical data, comparative analysis of technological regulations for the intensification of well production.
      Findings. Recommendations on the use of the studied FSs for intensifying the extraction of gas-condensate fluids with the specification of the geological and field characteristics of exploited fields in Eastern Ukraine in terms of Shebelynske and Zakhidno-Khrestyshchenske GСF were developed.
      Originality.The dependence of the cross-correlation coefficient of the “additional gas production with the use of FSs – the number of well stimulation operations” upon the period of the influence of the FSs on the reservoir – well system, being of extreme nature, has been determined. It has been established that the effectiveness of the use of the additional part of productions debit depends linearly on the initial production rate and exponentially on the frequency of the well FS-treatment.
      Practical implications. It has been determined that the maximum manifestation of the impact of considered FSs on downhole fluid production is achieved after 2 months. Various techniques for the application of the FSs were tested, and the regulations for the corresponding field operations were specified. Optimization of the parameter charts and processing procedures in terms of the concentration of FSs, system connection of the foam injection pipeline to the well, the rational period of introduction of the FSs in the reservoir-well system results in the decrease of the total downtime of wells during the period of operation under conditions of intensification as well as methane pollutions during purges.
      Keywords: resource saving, gas condensate field, geological field conditions, well flow rate, foaming surfactants, foam surface-active substances
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