Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Finite element method applied in mine pressure computation within the context

of rock massif – support system interaction

M. Toderaş1, R. Moraru1, C. Danciu1

1University of Petrosani, Petrosani, Romania

Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(1):39-48

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      Purpose. The analysis of the current underground mine workings, both those that are in operation and works located within the mining perimeters where activity was stopped, is leading directly to the problem of stability, i.e. safety. The aim of the paper is the stability analysis of underground workings located in strongly metamorphosed andesite and determination of mine pressure in the context of rock – support system interaction was made based on numerical methods, taking into account the effects of inhomogeneous stresses, anisotropy of rocks, and time.

      Methods. Numerical – based finite element method was applied to obtain the stress variation radial displacement and mine pressure epures for the analyzed mine workings. To assess the stability of underground mine workings, a mathematical model was developed based on the principle of proper conformity and safety level, according to the main factors that influence the stability of underground workings.

      Findings. The results obtained showed that underground workings analyzed are characterized by a low stability level, which is consistent with the results obtained by the observations and numerical method. Depending on the computed level of safety has been established correspondence to class stability of underground mine workings. The results are confirmed by in situ observations and solutions obtained by experiments.

      Originality.The patterns of the stress-strain state change in the context of rock – support system interaction for horizontal galleries located in strongly metamorphosed andesite.

      Practical implications. The research results will facilitate to improve stability of mine workings and to significantly increase the safety level throughout their entire life – cycle.

      Keywords: stability, mine pressure, support system, finite element method, conformity level, safety


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