Review of man-made mineral formations accumulation and prospects of their developing in mining industrial regions in Ukraine
M. Petlovanyi1, O. Kuzmenko1, V. Lozynskyi1, V. Popovych2, K. Sai1, P. Saik1
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
2Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(1):24-38
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      Purpose. Analysis of the man-made mineral formations of ore mining and smelting, fuel and energy complexes development accumulation, location and prospects amount in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
      Methods. Comprehensive approach, including analysis of state statistics, waste handling sites (WHSs), regional environmental report, environmental passport of the region, as well as data from other information sources is used in the work. Aerial photographs of man-made formations were obtained using the Google Earth 7.1.8 satellite program.
      Findings. The analysis of the main man-made mineral formations of ore mining and smelting, fuel and energy complexes accumulation in Ukraine (coal and mining industry waste heaps, tailing dumps, ash dumps, smelter slag dumps) was conducted, their amount and occupied areas were estimated. According to the densest location of man-made formations, they are divided into 4 regions: the Prydniprovsk region, the Kryvyi Rih region, the Nikopol region, the Pavlohrad region. According to information sources, the content of some valuable components in man-made formations has been established. Based on the world market prices of technogenic deposits components research, it was proposed to grade them according to the cost of valuable components. The promising directions have been proposed for the use of mineral resources in various economic sectors. It is noted that from the perspective of development of mineral and raw materials potential, the bulk formations are of interest because of their large reserves in the minimum area. But from the perspective of environmental protection and the interests of the Ukrainian people, the bulk technogenic formations occupying significant areas of agricultural land and having smaller mineral reserves are of great interest.
      Originality.The conception of man-made raw material mineral fund for further industrial development as an alternative to natural deposits is extended and systematized. For the first time, an integrated and detailed analysis has been performed of technogenic waste of the largest waste storage region in Ukraine, as well as the grouping has been proposed of mining and energy sector waste by density of location and by the contained components value.
      Practical implications. A sketch-map of the man-made objects location was drawn up and their gradation was carried out according to the preliminary prospects of their development. This will provide a more objective approach to the concept of industrial waste development and planning the strategy for the development of mineral and raw materials potential both at the state and regional levels.
      Keywords: man-made waste formations and deposits, waste heaps, tailing dumps, ash dumps, smelter slag dumps, commercial exploitation, gradation
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