Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Evaluation of some ceramic properties of Gadabiu clay deposit (Kwali Area Council, Abuja, Nigeria)

R.A. Osemenam1, T.B. Afeni1, V.A. Alfred2, J.N. Onwualu-John3

1Federal University of Technology Akure, Akure, Nigeria

2West African Ceramics Ltd, Ajaokuta, Nigeria

3University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Min. miner. depos. 2019, 13(1):9-15

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      Purpose. To evaluate some ceramic properties of Gadabiu clay deposit, Kwali Area Council, Abuja Nigeria.

      Methods. Soil samples from the study area were subjected to various physical and mechanical tests such as; X-ray diffraction (XRD), porosity, grain size distribution, cold crush strength, modulus of rupture, linear shrinkage, bulk density, water absorption, loss on ignition, moisture content, plasticity index and refractoriness.

      Findings. Results of XRD of the samples indicate that the deposit is of three crystalline components of quartz – 64.73%, feldspar – 6.05% and kaolinite – 29.22%. XRD also identified the dominant oxide compositions of the clay to be silicon oxide and aluminum oxide; while titanium oxide and manganese oxide were found in traces. Laboratory analysis on physical properties of the clay like porosity, grain size distribution, cold crushing strength, modulus of rupture, linear shrinkage, bulk density, water absorption, loss on ignition, moisture content, plasticity index and refractoriness were carried out, and well presented in the paper.

      Originality.The results can be compared to standard requirements in clay soil for ceramic productions.

      Practical implications. The results from this investigation can guide intending investors in their decision making. It can also be used as supporting document when applying for mine license and bank loan.

      Keywords: clay, ceramics, physical and mechanical properties, ceramics, X-ray diffraction, plasticity index


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