Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Nonlinear criteria and the influence of the average principal stress on rocks destruction

A. Olovyannyy1

1Saint-Petersburg Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Institute of Geoecology named after E.M. Sergeev of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Min. miner. depos. 2018, 12(4):37-45

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      Purpose. Consider possible series methods of Mohr-Coulomb nonlinear criterion that takes into account stresses in the plane of fracture. Investigate the influence of the average principal stress on rocks destruction when cylinder modeling under axial and side load conditions. Determine the weakening effect on the internal friction angle in the rocks under study using the examples of sample testing simulation.

      Methods. To study the processes in rock samples, we used a finite-element method DESTROCK-FE for modeling the deformation of rocks decomposes. The parameters of the deformation and fracture model are determined by comparing the deformation curves obtained by the modeling and experimental approaches.

      Findings. Modeling of rocks deformation under various loading conditions with a nonlinear criterion of fracture variants, in which destructive stresses can grow limited or unlimited or even decrease with increasing pressure, is performed. The design charts of axial and side deformations of the samples with a good approximation coincide with the experimental ones. The model parameters, including those for triaxial load conditions, are determined with a mathematic method using simulation laboratory tests under axial compression. Modeling with an upgrade fracture criterion showed that the load-bearing strength of salt rock samples under side load is greater than with axial pressure. Internal friction angle reduction with loss of strength reaches 15%.

      Originality. The Mohr-Coulomb series criterion is proposed, which makes it possible to set the nonlinearity in accordance with experimental data. Mechanical model parameters of rocks can be determined according to the results of single sample testing using the finite-element method DESTROCK-FE of decomposed rocks. The simulation was performed taking into account microdeformation, the influence of which is described by equations for a nonlinear-elastic condition.

      Practical implications. Cylinder modeling showed that the load-bearing strength of samples under side load is 10% for sylvinite and 20% more for rock salt than at axial loading. The obtained results indicate the ability of the finite-element method DESTROCK-FE of rocks destruction modeling while geomechanics survey conducting. Using this method, based on single sample simulation results, tested at simple compression, the parameters of elasticity, plasticity, viscosity, crisping can be obtained, suitable for deformation and fracture processes studies under various loading conditions.

      Keywords: rock, mathematic simulation of rock deformation and fracture, microdeformation, finite-element method, fracture criteria, internal friction angle


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