Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Сontrolling stress state of a hoisting shaft frame in the context of specific freezing process

O. Tiutkin1, V. Petrenko1, N. Petrosian1, V. Miroshnyk1, A. Alkhdour2

1Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Al-Balqa` Applied University, Al-Salt, Jordan

Min. miner. depos. 2018, 12(4):28-36

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      Purpose is to obtain regularities of a stress state of such multilayer system as neighbourhood rock mass – frozen soil – hoisting shaft frame in the process of numerical analysis to control a frame state with the selection of efficient parameters; thickness depending upon a specific frozen process specifically.

      Methods. Numerical analysis on the basis of a finite-element method has been implemented relying upon Pro Complex Structure CAD for Windows (SCAD) which made it possible to obtain stress state of a hoisting shaft frame and its interaction with ice-soil blocking as well as with neighbourhood rock mass soil.

      Findings. Hoisting shaft model has been developed. The model is based upon actual geometry and results of laboratory studies. Three blocking types (i.e. reinforced-concrete blocks, gray cast-iron tubbings, and modified gray cast-iron tubbings) and two soil types (i.e. sand and clayish soil at +8°С temperature) in terms of different freezing temperatures (i.e. (–2, –6 and –10°С) were analyzed numerically with the use of the SCAD. Results of the research have helped identify dependences concerning formation of a stress state of the multilayer neighbourhood rock mass – frozen soil – hoisting shaft frame system while varying properties of the listed types of a frame, neighbourhood rock mass, and ice-soil blocking. Regularities of the stressed state components deepening upon the frozen soil elasticity modulus, corresponding to its certain temperature, and elasticity modulus of a hoisting shaft frame have been obtained. The regularities connect changes in the stress of a hoisting shaft blocking in the context of specific freezing process.

      Originality. The obtained dependences of the stressed state of a hoisting shaft frame on the soil elasticity modulus and the material are composite spatial surfaces reflecting representatively the stressed state of such multilayer systems as neighbourhood rock mass – frozen soil – hoisting shaft frame.

      Practical implications. The regularities of the stressed state, determined for such multilayer systems as neighbourhood rock mass – frozen soil – hoisting shaft frame, make it possible to control stress components selecting rational geometry of a frame and its material or temperature cycle to freeze soils while applying the specific method.

      Keywords: hoisting shaft, stressed state, neighbourhood rock mass – frozen soil – hoisting shaft frame system, soil freezing, ice-soil blocking, numerical analysis


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