Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Experimental studies of the seam openings competence in different methods of protection under pitch and steep coal seams development

Ya. Liashok1, I. Iordanov1, D. Chepiga1, S. Podkopaiev1

1Donetsk National Technical University, Pokrovsk, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2018, 12(4):9-19

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      Purpose. Investigation of the seam openings competence in different methods of protection in complex mining and geological conditions of pitch and steep coal seams development of Donbas.

      Methods. To achieve this purpose, the research uses a complex approach, including analysis and generalization of the openings protection experience, studying the static field of stress distribution in a coal-rock mass on cloudy crystal ball model, a mine experiment to study the haulage gate hardness and the experimental data.

      Findings. When studying the wall-rock displacements on the haulage gate contour, it was recorded that in the case of yieldable protective facilities usage for seam openings, the roof and foot convergence of the coal bed mining as the productive workings advance is observed until the complete protective facilities compression, and in the zone of steady rock pressure is damped. In the case of coal pillars usage for roadway protection, after the destruction their hardness varies in a linear fashion, which contributes to a significant deterioration in the haulage gate stability behind the face. The use of a goaf stowing for the seam opening protection, from the point of view of stresses distribution in the coal-rock mass, ensures a gentle deflection of the wall-rocks behind the face by increasing the area of the subside strata actual contact with the filling mass, when compared with the roadway protection with the coal pillars.

      Originality. The effectiveness of the applied method for the seam openings protection is proposed to be evaluated according to the change in the stability of the haulage gate, but taking into account the hardness of the protective facilities. The hardness of protective facilities reflects their ability to resist deformation when the delaminated rock strata is displaced and depends on the value of the external force, the time factor, and the geological conditions of the developed coal seam.

      Practical implications. The use of a goaf stowing, as a method for controlling the roof or for wide yielding seats located above the roadway, will allow the haulage gates operational condition to be operational and increase the safety of work while maintaining the workings.

      Keywords: haulage gate, displacement, pillar, protective facilities, goaf stowing, delaminated rock strata


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