Harmonization of modeling systems for assessing the electric-power consumption levels at mining enterprises
I. Sinchuk1
1Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2018, 12(4):100-107
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      Purpose. The purpose of the work is to study the system corporate features of electric-power consumption systems, the formation of applied scientific and methodological support, as well as economic and mathematical modeling tools to analyse the cost characteristics of the electric-power consumption.
      Methods. The research is based on the use of laws, patterns and categorical set. In the course of scientific research, the general scientific methods were used (comparison, generalization, analogue method, structural analysis and synthesis), methods of logical-theoretical analysis and special economic-mathematical methods. The official documents that reflect and regulate certain aspects of the power consumption system in the acquisition, processing and presentation of information were the normative basis of research. The materials of scientific conferences and seminars, the resources of the global Internet information system, the information from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine were used as information sources. The theoretical basis of research is confirmed by scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of power supply in a transition economy. The complex of regression and index methods, as well as models of electric-power consumption analysis are used to determine the transformational changes in the components of electric-power consumption.
      Findings. The parameters have been analysed of electric-power consumption in iron-ore enterprises of the Kryvyi Rih region. The process has been investigated of forming a system of models for solving the problem of the cost characteristics optimization of electric-power consumption. The system corporate features have been determined of the power consumption systems in iron-ore enterprises of the Kryvyi Rih region. The tools set has been formed of economic and mathematical modelling in order to analyse and assess the cost indicators of power consumption systems. The harmonization of modelling methods made it possible to determine the cost characteristics and prove the rationality of using the models, calculate the effective resources assignment, and make recommendations in accordance with rational management decisions on the formation of electric-power consumption.
      Originality. An innovative integrated approach to the formation of corporate models of electric-power supply systems has been proposed, which uses the index methodology in combination with the least modules methods. This approach allows to optimize electric-power costs and ensure rational management of electric-power consumption.
      Practical implications. The formation of corporate models is the basis for further research and the construction of multifactorial regression models, as well as models to predict the electric-power consumption. Practical experience in the use of the proposed methodology has proven its effectiveness in making management decisions to ensure optimal electric-power consumption characteristics.
      Keywords: modelling, electric-power consumption, indicators, resources, enterprise
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