Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Topical problems concerning both methods and economy to develop mineral deposits

O. Vagonova1, T. Mormul1, Yu. Zakharchenko2, N. Romaniuk1, L. Kasianenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2018, 12(4):82-89

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      Purpose. Development of mining enterprises adaptation to changes in conjuncture of a product market relying upon its competitiveness while reducing expenditures connected with mineral stock extraction at the expense of mining operation schedule reorganization in accordance with market demand for their products.

      Methods. Methodological approach to provide output competitiveness in the context of its adaptation to market demand has been substantiated with the use of correlation analysis technique taking into consideration variability of outgoing data and their uncertainty. A technique to support competitive product advantages has been identified on the basis of operations function of mining complex since the advantages depend heavily on the expenses connected with crude ore. Cost changes effected by a market demand have been estimated basing upon feasibility analysis of operations of open pits selected to be considered.

      Findings. Relations between crude ore mining, prime cost of ore mining and processing enterprise product of Ukraine and market demand for their output have been determined. The current open pit expenditures, connected with ore bed mining, have been specified; process solutions, concerning the operating mining complex modernization, has been substantiated basing upon them. Extraction system effect on the mining complex technological adaptation to lower demand for manganese ore has been stated.

      Originality. Scientific and application foundations to obtain competitive advantages for the product manufactured by mining and processing enterprises by means of technological adaptation of mining complexes to market demand have been developed. Adaptation instruments of the complexes have been estimated with the help of the production function. Methodological approach to plan crude ore prime cost, basing upon expenditures, connected with overburden operations, has been improved.

      Practical implications. In the context of Pivnichnyi and Zaporizkyi open pits, the effect of extraction volumes on the mined ore prime cost has been determined; the effect has been involved to substantiate economically the expe-dient system for ore bench mining. Production function of Pivnichnyi open pit has been defined. Its analysis results helped formulate recommendations concerning labour shedding and production increase.

      Keywords: mining and processing enterprise, manganese open pits, production function, competitiveness, product


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