Optimization of salt crystallization process by solar energy with the use of mirror reflection, case of chott Merouane El-Oued (South East of Algeria)
S. Remli1,2, M. Bounouala1, I. Rouaiguia1,A. Benselhoub3
1Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria
2Université Larbi Tébessi, Tébessa, Algeria
3State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2018, 12(3):97-104
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Purpose. This paper aims to improve the harvesting conditions of the crystallized salt layer of the Salins Merouane El Meghaier (SME) – South East of Algeria, by creating favorable conditions for means of harvesting (harvesters), thanks to the acceleration of evaporation-crystallization process of salt by using an installation of flat mirrors, which reflect solar radiation towards the evaporating surface.
Methods. To achieve the objectives, a stall installation contains pans equipped with different mirror surfaces. Compared with other designs, this test unit is installed near the chott during the months of December and January.
Findings. The optimization rate of salt evaporation-crystallization process depends on the surface of the reflection mirror used, which allows obtaining a layer of soft salt easy to harvest during the winter months.
Originality. The use of mirrors reflecting solar radiation in salt pans of the unit in Salins Merouane El Meghaier enables to improve the salt exploitation conditions in quantitative, qualitative and economic terms, and to minimize the occupation of agriculture area.
Practical implications. The exploitation of solar energy for salt production at the unit in Salins Merouane El Meghaier represents a free source, which is inexhaustible and produces no harmful impact on the environment.
Keywords: El-Oued, lake Merouane, solar energy, optimization, evaporation, crystallization, salts
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