Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Geodetic and Seismological Observations Applied for Investigation of Subsidence Formation in the CSM Mine (Czech Republic)

V. Kajzar1

1Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Ostrava, Czech Republic

Min. miner. depos. 2018, 12(2):34-46

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      Purpose. Undermined areas are affected by the creation of subsidence depressions due to long-term underground mining. In general, different geodetic methods are applied to obtain further information needed to determine the spatial development of the formation of a subsidence depression.

      Methods. Application of these surveying methods enables us to investigate spatio-temporal changes of landscape relief in detail. Although the development of surveying technologies is in progress at present, conventional geodetic methods are still in use. Nowadays Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) surveying is mostly used for obtaining the actual degree of relief affection in undermined areas. Considering that during coal extraction induced seismic events are observed underground and on the surface, some seismological methods for their parameters determination were applied, e.g. foci location of induced seismic events, their classification by units of magnitude and by released seismic energy, frequency energy distribution, construction of Benioff graph and its derivation for assessment of adjacent working endangerment.

      Findings. The results of the assessment and analyses of spatial data demonstrate the real development of the sub-sidence depression under study and the relief changes of the landscape during the investigated period, respectively.

      Originality. It was recognized that all methods applied in this study represent very helpful tools for surveying subsidence depression and simultaneous monitoring of seismic activity development on an undermined area.

      Practical implications. Based on obtained results it is possible to perform a comparison of current subsidence dimensions with the original rate of affection.

      Keywords: Ostrava-Karviná coal basin, subsidence depression, surveying methods, seismic monitoring, displacement


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