Formation of integrated energy efficiency indicator for mining industry companies
O. Sinchuk1, I. Sinchuk1, І. Peresunko1, V. Stepanenko2
1Department of Automation Electromechanical Systems in Industry and Transport, Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
2Mining Institute, National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow, Russian Federation
Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(4):71-78
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      Purpose. Justification of the principles for assessing the competitive status of Ukrainian mining companies’ energy efficiency as a derivative of electricity consumption and qualitative estimation of the companies’ competitive positions in terms of their energy efficiency.
      Methods. The research is based on the model for assessing the competitive status of energy efficiency as a derivative of electricity consumption. The composite method of estimating the company’s electricity consumption comprises determination of the competition intensity indicator along with the assessment of the energy market capacity.
      Findings. The indicators of internal potential of enterprises’ electricity consumption, the competitive position in certain segments of the electricity consumption market, the company’s ability to withstand the influence of external factors are determined. Analysis of the conducted calculations allowed to identify leaders and outsiders among the companies competing for energy efficiency status.
      Originality. Estimation of the energy efficiency status level of Ukrainian mining companies contains new approaches to using mathematical and statistical analysis methods modified in accordance with the industry specifics.
      Practical implications. The obtained results can be used to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the electricity consumption management. Considering the company life cycle will allow to assess its financial resources, its ability to achieve a certain level of energy resources efficient use and to determine the external and internal factors that influence the management of the company power supply, and to predict changes in its energy consumption indicators.
      Keywords: electricity consumption, energy efficiency, indicator, competitive status, mining company, iron ore raw materials
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