Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Developing information systems of operation schedules to stabilze the grade of a mineral

М. Zarubin1, L. Statsenko2, V. Zarubina3, E. Fionin4

1Department of Automatisation, Information System and Safety, Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny, Republic of Kazakhstan

2OInstitute for Mining and Energy Resources, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia

3Department of Economic and Management, Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny, Republic of Kazakhstan

4Department of Metallurgy and Mining, Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny, Republic of Kazakhstan

Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(4):59-70

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      Purpose. To develop information technology making it possible to obtain ore flow with the required grade parameters in the context of open-pit mining owing to the implementation of methods and algorithms optimizing operation schedules for ore mass mining and moving.

      Methods. The process involved both traditional (i.e. analysis of scientific and patent sources; analytical methods to study parameters of ore flow; analysis of experience and operations of open pits; and passive experiment as well as statistic processing of data) and new forms of scientific research (i.e. simulation modeling with the help of the deve-loped program models).

      Findings. Results of the studies made it possible to solve a significant scientific problem concerning stabilization of ore grades in an open pit; to develop new mathematical models concerning the effect of operational parameters of production units, intraopen-pit stabilization warehouses, and traffic flows; to develop new algorithms on the basis of mathematical models; and to implement program packages to optimize operations of stope sites, stope-to-stope traffic flows, and stabilization warehouses.

      Originality. The carried-out studies have helped solve significant scientific problem concerning ore grade stabilization in an open pit; new mathematical models concerning the effect of operational parameters of production units, intraopen-pit stabilization warehouses, and traffic flows have been developed; new algorithms on the basis of mathe-matical models have been obtained; and program packages to optimize operations of stope sites, stope-to-stope traffic flows, and stabilization warehouses have been implemented. The information system use made it possible to improve the accuracy of determination of boundaries between selective mining and complete mining, to optimize both design and parameters of warehouses, and to systemize determination of a mineral disposal by means of transport means.

      Practical implications. The program support helps improve the grade of ore flow delivered to preparation complex from open pits at the expense of optimization of operation schedule and technological development in the context of formation of blending piles. That makes it possible to achieve economic effect owing to the extraction of the commercial mineral and decrease in expenditures connected with preparation stage.

      Keywords:information system, stabilization of a mineral, selective mining, organization of cargo flows, stabilization warehouse


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