Problems of research and mining of gas deposits on the Moon
E. Slyuta1
1Laboratory of Geochemistry of the Moon and Planets, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(4):117-125
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      Purpose. The study of the main types of the most valuable lunar resources, such as water, hydrogen, oxygen and other gases in the lunar regolith, and the identification of the main methods and technical solutions for their exploration and mining.
      Methods. Based on the analysis of the data of regional and global geochemical mapping of the Moon by spacecraft, and also on the basis of experimental and theoretical studies of implantation and concentration of volatile components in lunar rock-forming minerals, the basic properties of volatiles in the lunar regolith were revealed.
      Findings. Depending on the form of accumulation and preservation of volatile components in the lunar regolith, three main types of gas deposits are identified: implanted, weakly bound and frozen volatiles, which differ in composition, content, regional distribution and reserves.
      Originality. A complex comparative analysis of the main types of gas deposits on the Moon was carried out, including composition, main properties, predicted reserves, methods and technical solutions for their research and mining.
      Practical implications. The most promising types of the Moon’s gas deposits are identified and recommendations are given for the development of technical facilities for research and exploration of these deposits, which are already being implemented in the projects of landing space vehicles and lunar rovers.
      Keywords: Moon, implanted volatiles, weakly bound volatiles, frozen volatiles, lunar regolith, lunar soil
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