Friction of flexible friction effect and general law on friction in operation of transport machines with flexible tie body
M. Filatiev1, A. Laguta2
1Mine Surveying, Geodesy and Geology Department, Donbas State Technical University, Lysychansk, Ukraine
2Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada
Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(4):111-116
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      Purpose. Experimental determination of angle changes of full displacement of rocks by removing the breakage face from the face entry in different mining and geological conditions.
      Methods. On the basis of experimental data on parameters of the earth’s surface subsidence and the breakage headings size the full displacement angles of undermined rocks are determined graphically.
      Findings. The angle changes of the earth’s surface maximal subsidence are determined from the ratio of breakage heading size and mining operations depth.
      Originality. The maximal earth’s surface subsidence values correspond to the minimal values of the displacement angles above the face entry.
      Practical implications. The obtained results make it possible to estimate the displacement zones possible boundaries of undermined rocks with their discontinuity.
      Keywords: angles, displacement, earth’s surface, flat bottom, trough, face entry, breakage face
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