Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Friction of flexible friction effect and general law on friction in operation of transport machines with flexible tie body

M. Lubenets1

1Transport Systems and Technologies Department, National Mining University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(4):104-110

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      Purpose. The justification of the new equation of friction of flexible bodies, which confirm the concepts of friction of bodies during operation of transport machines with flexible tie body.

      Methods. A comparison of the known concepts of the friction of bodies, the influencing factors, and the solutions of the Euler problem of the sliding of a flexible body along a fixed block.

      Findings. The general factors of friction of inflexible bodies are established – frictional force and normal reaction between bodies, which are linearly connected, and a new equation of friction of flexible bodies is justified.

      Originality. For the first time it is established that the new equation of friction of flexible bodies: – includes the frictional force and the normal reaction between the bodies, which are linearly connected; – corresponds to the equilibrium conditions of the mechanical system; – coincides with the law of friction of bodies of Coulomb, which is common.

      Practical implications. New scientific knowledge widens the idea of the friction of bodies. They contribute to a deeper understanding of the physics of the process and the accuracy of conducting research, determine the development of technology and perfection of transport vehicles with a flexible body, increase their efficiency and operation safety.

      Keywords: conveyor, conveyor belt, tension, diagram, friction, block, equilibrium conditions, centrifugal forces


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