Mining of Mineral Deposits

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Experimental studies on the shear resistance of original coal-shale joint

B. Guo1,2,3, H. Dong1, L. Wang4

1Mining Department, School of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, China

2Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety, Jiaozuo, China

3Key Laboratory of Safety and High-Efficiency Coal Mining, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, China

4School of Safety Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, China

Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(4):1-10

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      Purpose. Experimental study and theoretical modeling of the shear resistance of original coal-shale joint.

      Methods. A two-segment model was developed to describe the shear resistance-shear displacement curves obtained from the direct shear tests of eight coal-shale joints by letting the two segments of the fitting curve pass through the peak point of each curve.

      Findings. The two-segment model well describes the shear resistance variation of the coal-shale joints during the shear process, and there exist good relationships between the fitting parameters and the shear testing parameters. The initial slope of the softening part of the shear resistance – shear displacement curve can help to predict whether the coal pillar will burst drastically when it fails. Moreover, the normal displacement was very small in the pre-peak range which indicates that the complete detachment of original coal-shale joint surfaces has not occurred before the peak.

      Originality. Direct shear tests were conducted on original coal-shale specimens for the first time, and a two-segment model is developed to describe their shear resistance-shear displacement curves. The initial slope of the softening part of the shear resistance – shear displacement curve is proposed to predict the burst tendency of coal pillar. Different from unbonded rock joints, the detachment of the original coal-shale joint occurs just after the peak.

      Practical implications. The conclusions may have some help to understand the shear resistance mechanism of original coal-shale joint and to provide some new ideas of maintaining coal pillar stability.

      Keywords: rock mechanics; direct shear test; coal-shale joint; shear resistance; shear dilatancy


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