Analysis of gas hydrate deposits development by applying elements of hydraulic borehole mining technology
М. Pedchenko1, L. Pedchenko1
1Department of Oil and Gas Exploitation and Geotechnics, Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Poltava, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(2):52-58
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      Purpose.To substantiate and develop the principal schematics suitable for the existing technological level and method of gas hydrates production from the offshore fields.
      Methods. Analysis of properties inherent to gas hydrates and gas hydrate deposits and research into peculiarities of the technological operations of the hydraulic borehole mining.
      Findings. Basic processes related to the method of gas hydrate extraction from the productive stratum without energy consumption for phase transition on the basis of the hydraulic borehole mining technology are substantiated.
      Originality. The research provided rationale for manifestation of the group of factors involved in the process of immersed jets action on the gas hydrate in conditions of its natural occurrence. It was confirmed that gas hydrates can be extracted from the productive stratum without energy consumption for dissociation, by creating conditions for their recrystallization as a result of joint impact produced by immersed jets of sea water and a complex of related processes. Theoretical justification is given to the physical fundamentals of the processes associated with gas hydrates enrichment and concentration in the mine working.
      Practical implications. Technology for the development of gas hydrate deposits on the basis of hydraulic borehole mining without energy consumption for the phase transition is proposed.
      Keywords: hydraulic borehole mining, gas hydrate stratum, dissociation, concentration, phase transition
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