Peculiarities of britlle and ductile materials destruction and deformation during the explosion of industrial shaped charges
Yu. Voitenko1, V. Kravets2, A. Shukurov3, O. Drachuk4
1Ukrainian State Geological Research Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Department of Geobuilding and Mining Technologies, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
3LLC “Azinterpartlayish-X”, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
4SE “Scientific-Research Institute of Oil and Gas Industry” of NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine”, Vyshneve, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(2):12-20
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      Purpose.To study the laws of deformation and destruction of brittle and ductile rocks and concretes under explosion of industrial shaped charges.
      Methods. In experiments, the following methods of investigation were used: method of contact sensors for determination of jet velocity; determination of the ultrasonic wave velocity in the concrete samples; methods of optical and electronic microscopy; X-ray phase analysis; measuring and visual analysis of the dimensions and nature of deformation and destruction zones.
      Findings. The work describes the experimental data on the destruction of barriers made of concrete, granite, steel ST 3, AMC-n alloy, and zinc by the explosions of shaped charges of serial production with porous liners. Calculation formulas for estimating the radius of a destruction zone of geomaterials and rocks in case of a semi-infinite barrier are suggested. The calculation method is based on the estimation of energy impact on the rock by jet penetration velocity into the barrier. Jet velocities are determined experimentally and by engineering methods. The reasons for deviations in the hole shape and deflection of the destruction zone from the symmetry axis were determined.
      Originality. The modes of penetration of shaped jets into rocks of different porosity, the size of the fracture zone around the hole and the causes and mechanisms of the deviations of the hole shape from the symmetric one are established.
      Practical implications. The results of the research will be used to design blasting-and-perforation operations in geotechnological wells and can be used to design initiating devices for borehole charges.
      Keywords: shaped charge, shaped liner, shaped jet, deformation, destruction
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