The rate of deformation development in the rock massif on the basis of surveying monitoring on the earth surface
M. Chetveryk1, O. Bubnova1, K. Babiy1
1Department of Geomechanics of Mineral Opencast Mining Technology, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named after M.S. Polyakov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(1):57-64
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      Purpose.Basing on the instrumental surveying measurement, to determine the rate of tensile strain displacements in the rock mass, and to use the obtained data for controlling rock pressure and ensuring job safety.
      Methods. The rate of deformation development in different types of rocks was defined on the basis of statistical processing of the surveying monitoring results applying the theory of layer-by layer block rockfall.
      Findings. Results of the instrumental surveying monitoring of the rock mass and surface displacements were generalized, and on their basis, the rate of deformation displacement was determined. Interdependence between the rate of deformation displacement, velocity of the stope advance, depth of mining and height of sheeted zone was specified. Taking into account parameters of the dynamic displacement trench, the volume of destroyed rocks was determined, which manifested itself as rock pressure.
      Originality. It is for the first time when, on the basis of instrumental observations, the rate of the tensile strain displacement in the rocks with varying degrees of lithification was defined. The height of sheeted zone in the undermined mass was determined on the basis of the established interdependence between the rate of deformations displacements, stope advance velocity, and the step of the main roof rock fall. The value of the sheeted zone height determines the value of the rock pressure.
      Practical implications. The obtained data about the velocity of deformation displacement in the undermined rock mass allow to control rock pressure and improve efficiency of mining operations and their safety.
      Keywords: underground mining, rate of deformation, dynamic trench, surveying monitoring of displacement
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