Computational model for evaluating the state of geomechanical systems during computing experiments
V. Fomychov1, V. Pochepov1, L. Fomychova2, V. Lapko1
1Underground Mining Department, National Mining University, Dnipro, Ukraine
2Higher Mathematics Department, National Mining University, Dnipro, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2017, 11(1):100-105
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      Purpose.To create a model allowing integration of the diverse features identified for the rock massif behavior by differentiation of various theories and real phenomena into a single information-analytical flow.
      Methods. System analysis of computational experiments’ results was based on the use of recursive calculation methodology for assessing accuracy of the obtained results with different methods of geometric and physical description applied to individual elements of simulation in the computational domain.
      Findings. Sample tables were obtained containing the acceptable values of weight characteristics for the various simulated elements in the generalized computational domain. A recursive algorithm for the analysis of the studied objects description’ efficiency in the solution of geomechanics problems by grid numerical methods was formulated and implemented as a computational module. The authors created a system for the assessment of the results obtained via computational experiment at the time of full-scale investigation, which provides a comprehensive analysis of changes in the rock massif state during the operation of the selected support system. The conditions of combining the design characteristics of the simulated support elements functioning in a single load-carrying system under dynamic redistribution of forces were obtained.
      Originality. The resulting generalized model of mine working and elements affecting its condition allows to determine most accurately the nature of changes in the stress-strain state of geotechnological system regardless of the originally a priori specified limitations.
      Practical implications. The unified approach can be used in the search for the optimal parameters of implementing combined working supports in the area of mining operations and beyond.
      Keywords: rock pressure, stress-strain state, information and physical structure of the rock massif, heuristic multivariate model, neural network, cluster
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